Sunday, March 26, 2023

Chris Cornell's Bodyguard: 2020 Interview

Martin Kirsten was allegedly the last person to see Chris Cornell alive, and he is also the person who discovered the body. We were told he gave Cornell prescription drugs, which were blamed for his "suicidal behavior" in many news reports. Clearly, Kirsten should have been suspect number 1 in a possible homicide! But not even 24 hours had past before this incident was deemed "suicide" by the press and investigators. No autopsy had yet been performed, no forensics data had been processed or reviewed, and it doesn't seem like Kirsten was ever considered as a possible suspect at all! How do you rule a suspect out so quickly and so early in an investigation?

Regarding details, Vice and virtually all other mainstream media lied swiftly and thoroughly to the public, as I demonstrate in my blog "Chris Cornell: A Look at the Evidence" - using the official investigative report itself to back my claims. How ironic that the very man hired to protect Cornell's body seems to be part of the coverup in his murder!

At the time my written blogs were originally published, we didn't seem to have any interviews with Martin Kirsten, other than what is in the police investigative report itself - which is heavily paraphrased and only available to the public in text form. But I recently discovered a high production interview from 2020, conducted by Caleb Anderson of Spirit Farm podcast.

I've never heard of Caleb Anderson or his Spirit Farm podcast until discovering this 2020 interview. Martin Kirsten indicates that Anderson is a form of Pastor and conducted his wedding just a month or so before Cornell's death. I didn't spend much time looking him up because that's not the purpose here. My goal is to break down the script behind this episode, which was clearly manufactured in direct response to those hundreds of thousands of Chris Cornell fans convinced of Kirsten's involvement in his murder.

The title of this episode is "Travels and Trials of a Bodyguard." I assume the "travels" part of that is a reference to the fact Kirsten was not born in the United States, but lives here today. Or perhaps it's a reference to the fact his job takes him all over the world? I've read that Kirsten was also called an "Aussie" at one time - which is a nickname for someone from Australia. Australia comes up nowhere in this interview.

The use of the word "trials" here is interesting, considering many people believe this man to be a criminal who has never seen proper "trials." The title takes the word "trials" in reference to the subject, and turns it into a "positive." We're supposed to think Kirsten is this warrior that braved through adversity to become the "credible" man presented in this interview. But what makes him credible exactly? Dating his client [a no-no in the industry] Heidi Klum while she was still married to Seal? Evading scrutiny in the questionable death of his former client?

Caleb Anderson seems to have developed a rapport with his audience - as a friendly, family oriented, slightly feminine personality. Even if you know nothing about him, he's a smiling face without a history, if nothing else. So in that sense, his public reputation is cleaner than Kirsten's. It seems his job is to say good things about Kirsten and convince his audience what a stand-up guy he is. The entire exchange feels completely contrived in order to humanize the public perception of Kirsten, and convince us that "oh no, that nice man would NEVER participate in a murder!"

"First of all, you're like one of the most interesting humans in the world and one of my favorite people..." - Anderson

Anderson compliments Kirsten profusely, calling him one of "the most interesting humans in the world." If you type out that quote into Google, you will instantly see familiar images of actor Jonathan Goldsmith, "the most interesting man in the world," as endearingly depicted in Dos Equis commercials not so long ago - and endless "I don't always..." memes. This dialogue seems designed to "ring that same bell" and subtly addresses the fact that Kirsten is a "mysterious foreigner people don't know much about." It aims to turn that into a POSITIVE, without revealing a single thing about him - so he gets to remain "mysterious," but we're supposed to think that makes him INTERESTING, not "bad."

Martin Kirsten has the charisma of a lizard, so the topic of Cornell is probably the only one people really care to hear him talk about. Although they try very hard to downplay that by muddling it up with other topics nobody really cares about, it is clear that leaving it till the end was done under the assumption that it is the "big climax" viewers are waiting for. Placing it at the end encourages people to sit through all of the stuff before it, which is of course designed to COUNTER your pre-conceived ideas about Kirsten - so that by the time you arrive at the "nothingburger" served up, your mind will already be made up and you won't care about details. This was very well thought out in advance, I don't believe there is anything "organic" about this interview, but you can go watch it and judge for yourself.

Topics, as listed on the youtube link's notes:

- His passion for rhino conservation
- Coming to America and starting with nothing.
- Crossing the line with his former client, Heidi Klum.
- Losing his friend and client, Chris Cornell to suicide while he was on the job.

[Caleb Anderson's overly dramatic perfomance as he pretends to be "oh so concerned" about the poor rhinos in South Africa that "our hero, Kirsten" is fighting to preserve...]

The first 7 minutes of this interview is Martin Kirsten talking about his involvement in stopping poachers in Africa from killing endangered rhinos for their horns.

"We've worked with a couple of orphanages and in parks in South Africa that - having a security company has afforded me the advantage to buy equipment for the guys because they don't have much...The rangers. In the park." - Kirsten

Now pay attention very closely here, because this is extremely cunning! We know that Chris Cornell gave money to help out endangered and exploited children, and that he may even have been involved with a film exposing child trafficking ["the Silent Children," which never came out.]

["Eleonas refugee camp in Athens, Greece, where the Cornells and their daughter visited with families that had fled Syria and Afghanistan."]

It is believed that it was something to do with Cornell's effort to PROTECT CHILDREN that got him murdered. He stated very clearly, as quoted in previous blogs, that he used his "celebrity status" to help children in need. This interview is building a similar benevolent characteristic around Martin Kirsten. He states his security company has put him in touch with "orphanges" in South Africa. Why is he working with orphanages in South Africa and what has that got to do with protecting Rhinos there? He doesn't elaborate. Probably because the only reason he used that word "orphanages," was to project that same "protector of children" reputation Cornell was known for. See what they are doing here?

Without any further detail regarding his work with orphanages, Kirsten instantly segues into how he is helping equip local rangers with gear and resources to combat the poaching problem.

"When a rhino is killed and murdered for it's horn, that becomes a crime scene." - Kirsten

Kirsten starts going into detail about how Rangers are limited in their capacity to save rhinos that are poached in the night, and provides some gruesome detail as to how poachers obtain the horns, and even gets into forensics. He is now talking about MURDER, KILLING and a CRIME SCENE. Do you think it is a coincidence that Kirsten is talking about MURDER, KILLING, and a CRIME SCENE in the very same interview in which he brings up Cornell? Yet he abstracts the association by bringing it up in reference to endangered rhinos in another country, so that we subconsciously feel satisfied that Kirsten actually "went there," without really doing so in the manner people want him to!

Kirsten mentions an organization he is invloved with called Rhino Sheriffs, which appears to have a website. But there is not much information, or a way to donate there. Is this a real organization? Kirsten says they don't take donations because "there's so much shady things going on online and social media...clicking links...You donate through paypal or gofundme..." It seems strange that with all of the different ways to transfer money these days, that Kirsten would decline all the potential donations to his cause simply because he doesn't trust any of them or thinks people don't trust them enough to try. This explanation really doesn't make sense to me. Maybe "Rhino Sheriffs," which seems to be based in Long Beach, CA, is just a front organization for his image? Even if they are legitimate, charity elevates the image of the person donating. This would be particularly useful to someone with a reputation like Kirsten's!

Since Kirsten brought up "shady things" with regard to donating to charities, consider the fact that such organizations are sometimes associated with international money laundering operations, or other nefarious questionable activities - such as the Clinton's questionable work in Haiti. Kirsten's strange reference to "shady" online money transfer methods again references activities he may be involved with overseas, but turns it into a positive - by placing him on the side of "good guy trying to make a difference."

credible: able to be believed; convincing. - Oxford dictionary

"You KEEP that accent! It gives you so much credibility! I feel like people with accents just walk into a room and automatically have more credibility." - Anderson to Martin Kirsten

I'd love to see this assumption played out in a courtroom. "My client is innocent, can't you hear his thick foreign accent?"

Jean Claud Van Damm aka "The Muscles from Brussels" starred in many action films in the late 80s/early 90s - during the height of Arnold Schwartzeneggar's fame. Van Damm had a heavy accent in these films, and once told an interviewer that Schwartzeneggar advised him "keep the accent!"

"Keep the accent! Keep the accent, don't let it go..." - Anderson

First of all, South Africans are generally very easy to understand - at least to my American ears. Nothing on the scale of a thick Austrian, French, or Scottish accent. They are EXAGERRATING this point for a purpose. Again, Anderson's dialogue seems to tap into a pop culture cliche, this time regarding the "endearing foreign action hero whos poor acting and mispronounced English we love." Spirit Farm is basically suggesting that Martin Kirsten is like a "Schwartzeneggar" or a "Van Damm." Big and scary looking, perhaps even SUSPICIOUS or innapropriate in his behavior - but ultimately a loveable action hero born in another country. And all Kirsten had to do was sit there and take this "compliment" without revealing a thing about himself.

"I wanted to be like Arnold! He started in Venice beach!" - Kirsten, on his dream of moving to America many years ago

This is, again, part of a campaign to "endear" and "humanize" Kirsten in the eyes of the public - obviously in reaction to the KNOWN negative perception of him, which is never acknowledged by the media because that would then lead into questions regarding his potential involvement in Cornell's death.

"My dad committed suicide when I was 6...I was the oldest of 2 boys...we came, really blue collar suburb of Johannesburg. Mayfair..."

In the next part of the interview, Kirsten begins revealing information about his past that I have never heard before. While it is obviously tragic if his father truly did commit suicide when he was a child, I have no way of knowing whether he is telling the truth or not. But whatever the case, it seems an odd coincidence that Kirsten would decide to reveal such close, first hand experience with SUICIDE in the same interview he chooses to speak publicly about his former client. A former client that was said to have commited SUICIDE, which is NOT supported by the official investigative report. And while Cornell did have a father growing up, he said in interviews that he didn't really even know him. So in a sense, Kirsten's story echos Cornell's "fatherless" upbringing.

"Before becoming a successful musician, he [Cornell] worked as a busboy, as a dishwasher, as a fish monger at a seafood wholesaler and was a sous-chef at Ray's Boathouse in Seattle." - wiki

Kirsten goes on to speak about the difficulties his mother had raising him and his brothers in a blue collar suburb. Blue collar = working class. In other words, he is not from a privelaged background, he was an everyday working man. This echos Cornell's story, in which he famously worked as a cook and at a seafood store. Those of us who know Cornell's story are aware of his "working class" background and humble beginnings. Is Kirsten's story here simply fiction designed to ingratiate him to those very people that see him as the secret murderer of his former client?

He goes on talking about how he got into trouble as a youth, much like Cornell - who was very open about his profuse use of drugs at a very young age. At 17, Kirsten says he was forced into the military by his mother due to his "bad behavior." Some examples he provides are: getting a tattoo, getting an earring, playing the class clown - my, what disruptor he was! Then he goes on to state that all white males in South Africa were required to either attend college or enter the military. Are they exagerrating/fabricating this whole thing with his "bad behavior" just to depict him in a way they think Cornell fans can relate to?

"Looking back, I think kids that grow up without a's so vital. To have structure. Discipline. Learning teamwork. And that's what the military provided. The hard way."

It is tragic that Kirsten lost his father, if true. But again, this emphesis on how not having a father affects a child is parallel to Cornell's story of not really knowing his father. Coincidence?

Anderson moves on to the topic of Heidi Klum, who was first a client of Martin Kirtsen. She had previously been with singer Seal, and I believe was still married to him when she started dating Kirsten. Pretty much nothing is revealed here regarding this relationship, other than the fact that Kirsten states "rule #1" in the workplace is "don't date your clients." I suspect his relationshop with Heidi Klum was simply a publicity stunt of some sort, but who knows?

"With a religion like that [Catholocism], it's not designed for anyone to question. Being young people who have a natural curiosity and half a brain, you're going to start finding inconsistencies, which there are tons of in organized religion" - Chris Cornell

"I was raised Catholic in Sourth Africa...and, it didn't help when all those priests were exposed and all the news came out with all the dozens of them or hundreds of them with little boys and I said to my mother, "see? that's why I'm out." - Kirsten

Although Chris Cornell's mother Karen is supposedly Jewish, he referred to his father as "Roman Catholic," and associated his father's identity as a Roman Catholic with his alcoholic/non-present form of parenting. Kirsten also claims to come from a Catholic background, and adds that part of what turned him off to the religion, was the pedophile priests. As stated earlier, Cornell's interest in protecting children is what many believe made him a target of those not wanting to be exposed. Now here we have the man many believe was involved with Cornell's murder, speaking about pedophilia - albeit within a vague and passive context.

"I found transcendental meditation. And it helped me alot. I'd done a Tony Robbins seminar and I'd done a couple self-help workshops."

Kirsten goes a little bit into his "spiritual practices" and gets into a bit of self-help/New Age territory, which seems to be a theme behind this "Spirit Farm" podcast. But interestingly, Chris Cornell's mother wrote books about this sort of thing, such as "Transformation and Transcendence." Is someone just taking aspects of Cornell's life and simply writing them into Martin Kirsten's story? Convenient that we really know nothing about his past. He can just make it up right here and we'd not be the wiser!

I think some of what Kirsten says here may very well be true. But to have so many similarities to Cornell's life says to me there is a scriptwriter at work here, who's job is to associate as many "Cornellisms" as possible with Kirsten's character, in order to endear him to the very people who see him as a monster. And if he isn't a "monster," why all this effort to counter such views in one of the few segments this man decides to speak publicly on?

[Chris Cornell appeared in the 90s film "Singles," which attempts to capture the Seattle "Grunge" phenomenon at its peak. One of the main characters is a "coffee bar waitress," which riffs off of Seattle coffee shop culture. Seattle is incidentally the birth-place of Starbucks.]

"We met for coffee and that was our first date. We lasted 9 hours...We were at a coffee shop and they eventually closed..."

Kirsten describes his magical first date with what I believe is his current wife. He claims they spent 9 hours at a coffee shop, which makes me think of the film "Singles" and the grunge/Seattle coffee shop culture. Again, is this real or is someone just making this shit up for Kirsten to incorporate into "his story?" To ingratiate him to old "grungers?"

"I can't get into too many specifics, but it was a client that committed suicide on tour...My best friend in High school commited suicide, my father committed suicide, and now him..."

Kirsten does not get into ANY specifics, actually. In fact, the entire "Chris Cornell" segment of this interview is really just a "feel sorry for Martin Kirsten" session. I mean, maybe his father and best friend in high school really did both commit suicide. And that is very sad. But it's got nothing to do with the fact that the official investigative report doesn't just contradict itself and the mainstream narrative, it actually leans stronger towards MURDER and FOUL PLAY! So if Martin Kirsten is really the big fan of Law Enforcement he claims to be in this interview, why does he seem so very oblivious to what is in the official investigative report, and the media's ubiquitous lies surrounding it all?

"But one of the things that I love about you Martin, is let yourself hurt to the core. care deeply. And you love people well...I wouldn't think that's normal for people at your level of protectors."

"Pastor" Caleb Anderson is talking to you, the fans of Cornell who know full well Martin Kirsten was somehow involved in Cornell's death. He is telling you, IMPLORING you to believe that Kirsten is not a monster. No, he cares deeply. He loves people well. And that's not normal for people of his stature! Ever get the feeling someone takes you for an idiot?

"I've got a good friend at the FBI that's been insanely generous inviting me to trainings and speakings there where they share statistics of active shooter events and how the world is changing. It's not the world we grew up in."

According to Kirsten, he is friends with an FBI agent, and actually participates in their training drills. This suggests something I would not have brought up otherwise: Is Kirsten an undercover Fed, or a contractor for them? It would certainly make sense in this age of a weaponized U.S. Department of Justice, who conduct unconstitutional raids upon their political opponents as if they have the authority! It's frightening to consider, but the F.B.I. would have the ability to murder someone like Cornell and totally control all of the law enforcement and media surrounding the event.

Kirsten begins talking about "active shooter events." This is interesting considering the horrible Mandalay Bay Concert shooting occured the same year Cornell died. Mandalay Bay also happens to be owned by MGM. MGM Grand Detroit was the Hotel Cornell died in.

I don't claim to know much more than I did a few years ago about Cornell's death, but it becomes more and more obvious that it was an operartion that could only have been organised at a high level of power and influence. I believe this interview is one of many influence campaigns, designed to direct attention away from something. They can deprive the public of the truth all they want. They can feed us lies all they want. But when we begin to recognize patterns in their mind control techniques, their magical spell of influence rapidly dissipates. And for most of us, this may be the only path to justice, accountability, and prevention.

I would encourage everyone reading this to take a moment and say a prayer for justice and truth in the Chris Cornell Death. Even if just one of these types of events is exposed for what it is on a mass scale, the domino effect will likely lead to many more exposures and shine a light on the darkest pockets of our society. The more we shine the light of truth, the less places they will have to hide and accomplish their evil deeds.

Click here for my blog on the death of Chris Cornell.

This blog was researched, written, and continues to be maintained by 1 person. If you enjoyed it and would like to encourage more of them, donations can be made by clicking the button below.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Maverick: What it's REALLY about.

In a previous blog, Spielberg: Questionable Themes and Symbolism,we looked at the 1994 independent film "Sleep with Me." In the film, Quentin Tarantino has a cameo - in which his character appears at a party, speaking to another guy about the film "Top Gun." He explains, hilariously, how the film is really about a man's struggle with his own homosexuality. "It's all about subversion," he says.

Now someone on Youtube either got inspired by the Tarantino cameo I just described, or came to the same conclusions on their own - and created a video called "Top Gay." As the title indicates, it is a collection of scenes from the film which demonstrate the homoerotic/homosexual overtones throughout the film. It's pretty hilarious, but once you are done laughing, the inevitable question presents itself: why in the hell would someone put this stuff in an "action" film and how did we NOT notice this the first time around? Perhaps Tarentino's character is revealing the real purpose of these types of blockbuster films when he says, "it's all about subversion!"

innuendo: "(the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly" -

overtones: "If something has overtones of a particular thing or quality, it suggests that thing or quality but does not openly express it" -

NOTE: This blog contains a LOT of suggestive sexual language which may be disturbing to some people. I would ask you to bear in mind that I DID NOT WRITE the stuff in the film, I'm just pointing it out! If you find it offensive, just remember that someone, or a group of individuals, sat down and made the decision to put all of this in. If nothing else, I hope you walk away asking yourself: WHY?

Given all of the obvious innuendo and sexual overtones contained within the original 80s "Top Gun" film, I figured the long awaited sequel "Maverick" would have them as well. To simply say that it does, is not adequite. It's profoundly filthy, in the most sexual way possible.

The "hidden" theme BEHIND Maverick is really quite simple, and seems to build upon a sort of pun introduced in the original film, "Top Gun." It's all about what happens BELOW the Hard Deck. But we must understand that this phrase "Hard Deck" is a euphemism for something else. That is the key that picks this lock.

"The term originated with fighter pilots. “Hard deck” was slang for an altitude (10,000 feet or so) that represented ground level during flight training exercises. If you went below the hard deck, you had hypothetically crashed and were out of the exercise."

One scene from the "Top Gay" compilation takes place in the locker room where all the pilots just got done with an intense flying exercise. One of the pilots points out that Maverick and Goose flew below the Hard Deck, and therefore were disqualified from winning. Maverick responds, "Hard deck my ass, we nailed that son of a bitch!" The sound bite is looped several times, and then in slow motion. It quickly becomes obvious that Maverick could just as easily have been saying "hard DICK my ass, we nailed that son of a bitch!" When you NAIL someone, that can have multiple meanings - one of which is specifically SEXUAL. As-in: "I nailed that girl the other night." There's also the fact that Iceman responds to Maverick by saying "you guys really are Cowboys!" Cowboy is slang for "queer" in certain contexts - which the film "Brokeback Mountain" famously builds off of.

Promotional posters for these types of films usually provoke the same hidden themes contained within the film itself. The one above is certainly no exception! You just have to look at things in an extremely literal, primitive way.

The place where a pilot sits in an airplane/jet is called the COCKPIT. And as you can see above, the cockpit is WIDE open! The Top Gun logo is stylized inside a shape which resembles an arrow, pointing downwards - but the very "tip" is sliced off. If the tip were there, this symbolic arrow would come to a point right between the bottom 2 "legs" of a 5 pointed star. What's between 2 legs?

Notice that the words TOP GUN are just BELOW the name Tom Cruise. In the 1970s, the band Kiss had an album called "Love Gun." A gun can function as a phallic symbol, depending on context. When you "cock" your pistol, it means you pulled the hammer back and cocked it to the rear. Now you're "ready for action!" The phallus/gun is BELOW Tom Cruise in the logo, and the star can represent what is just BELOW Tom Cruise's "gun." I'm not gonna say what that is just yet, but I don't think the star is perfectly level with Tom Cruise's crotch by accident...

When we first see Maverick, he has obviously aged - but is still completely locked into his identity as a daring fighter pilot. There he is, having his coffee in the morning and reading a paper inside a hanger right next to an old jet airplane. No house, No wife, no kids, no retirement.

After a good morning repair session on his vintage jet airplane, Maverick goes to wash his hands. Above the sink we see pictures of his deceased wing-man "Goose." Goose and Maverick. Goose and his wife. Goose and his kid. Goose's kid by himself! Does Maverick not have any ex-girlfriends or wives at this point? Children of his own? Nope, it's a "Goose shrine" here.

As we view Maverick washing his hands from behind, it also looks like he's masterbating to this wall of pictures!

Before Maverick leaves the hanger, we see a picture of Goose in his locker, "flipping the bird." Now think about this...what is a Goose? It's a bird. What does "flipping the bird" mean? It means F-YOU, obviously. The middle finger is supposed to represent a penis. So the F-YOU has a sexual connotation. Hold this thought for now, it will come up again later.

In the next scene, Maverick finds out that the program he has been assigned to has been cancelled - but he attempts to go through with it anyways in the minutes before it can be stopped by his superior, who is en route to halt things personally. So he's BREAKING THE RULES here, by attempting to see if he can reach Mach 10 [7,672 mph] before someone stops him from trying.

This is part of Maverick's "dangerous" character we came to know in the original "Top Gun." [a characterization made by Icemen, in the infamous "locker room scene" we just described earlier] This same characterization is interpreted by Tarentino as "right on the fucking edge" in his 90s film cameo. The edge of HOMOSEXUALITY, according to his interpretation! While the film seems to build off of that, it takes things much further, as we are already beginning to see.

Just before he takes off, Maverick says "ok sweetheart, one last ride," [as if he's having sex with an old girlfriend for the last time?] Then he grabs the control stick, which is just between his legs. If you pay attention to the camera angles, the music, the facial expressions - this entire scene, like most of the film, is a metaphor for a sexual act.

As Maverick's superior shows up in the control room, he tries to order him to land. Maverick responds as if he cannot make out what is being said, when someone else in the room offers, "This is where we’ve had trouble with comm, sir. It’s the earth’s curvature. Yeah, it’s called earth bulge…"

We call our planet "Mother Earth," giving it femanine characteristics. Woman have CURVES. A "bulge" can be a curve, a pregnant belly, or even a bulge in one's crotch.

As Maverick is reaching Mach 10, his plane starts to buckle under the pressure [kind of like a struggle to reach sexual climax]. These repeated camera angles switching from Maverick's highly engaged sweating face to the control stick [joy stick?] between his legs as he struggles with both hands to control, further enforces the innuendo. While all of this is happening, the music sets an atmosphere of an almost romantic/euphoric event, as Maverick quietly says to himself "talk to me Goose." Remember, last time we saw Goose, he was flipping the "dick finger" bird!

As if in awe, we see the faces of the men in the control room. But they also appear to be sexually aroused! This seems to reach a climax as Ed Harris, who plays Maverick's superior then says, "You got some balls, stick jockey! I’ll give you that!" As if his low grumbling tone wasn't suggestive enough, ask yourself what you get when you add BALLS to a STICK? [hint: Male genitalia!] What does a jockey do? He RIDES. Then Harris adds, "I'll give you that!" All of this innuendo cannot be accidental. It's just too easy to spot and too ubiquitous!

As Maverick "thrusts" past Mach 10, his jet [phallus] finally "blows up" [orgasms?] and leaves a translucent semen colored streak in the sky, in the shape of an arrow/phallus!

After a crash landing, Maverick is summoned to the briefing room where he is both repremended for his reckless actions AND assigned to a new mission. What does this mean symbolically? He pushed the limits of the plane's "body" in order to achieve the "climax" he desired. Then they send him to a classroom to TEACH what he just did to a younger generation of pilots! [think about today's controversies regarding sexual content being placed in children's School curriculums and text books]

Note the body language above. Maverick stands with his waist out, hands together in front as if he is taking a pee! The long table in front of him - an extention of his phallus, while the guy at the other ends sits, as-if recieving it!

Here he is told he has a "special mission" at Top Gun. The purpose of this mission is the crudest aspect of the entire film, but we'll get into that later...

"The an unsanctioned Uranium enrichment plant"

One of the oddest things about this film, is that neither the enemy or their specific geographical location is named. I mentioned this to someone else who saw the film, and they told me "yeah they did, it was Russia." Well, I re-watched the film and I did not hear Russia or any other specific location named. I believe that's because we're not really talking about a UR-ANIUM enrichment plant here - and this mission isn't really taking place on land! [I'll explain later, if you haven't already guessed what I'm hinting at]

Maverick later enters a bar where the young pilots he'll be instructing frequent. The bartender is apparently an old girlfriend or "friend with benefits" from the past. He tells her "you look good." [keep that in the back of your mind, it comes up again later] He goes on to tell her that he's back at Top Gun, but that he won't actually be flying. She says to him, "Trust me. As improbable as it seems right now, somehow you’ll be back in your fighter plane with your TAIL ON FIRE." Hmmm...

As the top fighter pilots are entering the room, the macho energy builds up, and we see a couple of them throwing darts nailing the BULLSEYE multiple times just above a "Sailer Jerry" sign. "Sailer," like "Cowboy," is sometimes used as a euphemism for "Queer." These 2 guys are throwing darts [phallic objects] into a small round target. This is not just sexually suggestive, but it is also forshadowing the entire purpose of their upcoming mission - which is essentially to "nail the bullseye" and then PULL OUT.

We are introduced to each pilot here, within a scene laden with innuendo.

Bob, the "nerdy" pilot, is first seen sitting at the pool table [stick and ball game, btw] with his legs spread, furiously waving his hands over his crotch! What is the purpose of this character?

Maverick's deceased wingman "Goose" was played by actor Anthony Edwards. Edward's most well known film outside of "Top Gun," was probably "Revenge of the Nerds." In that film he played one of the main "Nerds," and I think this Bob character simulating masterbation is supposed to conjure up Goose - by way of Anthony Edward's previous role in another popular 80s film. Bob wears glasses, has the same color hair and appears to part it on the same side. Bob is played by actor Lewis Pullman. Lewis is the name of the other main Nerd in the film "Revenge of ther Nerds," who is best friends with Anthony Edward's character. Put it all together and decide what you think it means...

Maverick pauses as if he's spotted an old love obsession when Rooster walks in. Rooster is his deceased wingman's son. Another name for Rooster is COCK. Maverick's attention is mostly focused upon COCK this entire film. Figure that one out.

Phoenix, a female character, breaks up the "homoerotic" theme of the original film, and confirms the more "pan-sexual" approach here. One of her first moves is "virtually" jerking Rooster's phallus [cue stick.] She hits him right near the groin to emphesize the innuendo.

[David Bowie]

[Marc Bolan of T-Rex]

While this bar scene is playing out, David Bowie's "Let's Dance" is playing off in the background. Bowie got famous in the 1970s mostly for helping usher in the Glam Rock movement - which had a lot to do with his apparent sexual androgyny.

Right after "Let's Dance," the song "Bang a Gong" by T-Rex comes on. The man behind T-Rex was the late Marc Bolan, known to be bi-sexual. He was also one of David Bowie's biggest influences initially, and is generally considered the father of "glam rock." The film "Velvet Goldmind" explicitely highlights the gay aspect integral to that musical movement.

The signifficance of this music is just a subtle counterpoint to what might have traditionally been a macho "pissing contest" in this scene. Rather, it's a sort of pan sexual free-for-all celebrating the generative force in general. This is something I point out a lot in my blog about the film "Tommy." Incedentally, the Who also appears on this soundtrack...

As Rooster approaches the pool table, he walks up to Hangman and says: "Hangman, you look...good." Now remember, this is what Maverick said to the bartender when he saw her earlier. So a connection is being made between Maverick's "romantic interest" in the film and the dialogue between Rooster and Hangman. That's not an awkward accident of the scriptwriters!

Hangman then says, "I am good Rooster. I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true."

Old songs used to say things like, "please be true to me, baby." That means, be MONOGOMOUS. Don't sleep around, be MY girl! So I think what Hangman is saying there is that he's just too good of a lover to be with one person. Meaning, he'll sleep with anyone he wants, including Rooster!

Hangman then accuses Rooster of "waiting for just the right moment...that never comes." Then with a shit-eating grin, says "I love this song." The song playing at that moment is "Slow Ride," by Foghat. The reference there, again, is a sexual one. This whole scene is just a SLOW RIDE.

After Maverick gets kicked out over some game where he's supposed to buy everyone drinks - he hears Rooster singing and playing "Great Balls of Fire." This is the same song Maverick and Goose sang at the bar in the original Top Gun. He flashes back to Goose's wife telling him "God, he loved flying with you Maverick."

The bartender notices Maverick breaking down outside the bar, as he stares inside at Rooster. For a second, it actually looks like Maverick is masterbating while staring in the bar at Rooster!

So here's what's being suggested: Maverick misses his gay lover Goose, and is now turning that desire directly onto his son, Rooster/Cock - as he sings GREAT BALLS OF FIRE. No, this is not the plot, but it's being heavily SUGGESTED through innuendo and overtones.

Later, the pilots are being briefed on the mission they are about to be trained for. Just before Maverick comes out, they are told "Success, now more than ever, depends on the man or woman in the box." Meaning the COCKPIT. But a "box" is also a euphemism for a vigina. To highlight this euphemism, Hang Man turns around and stares at Phoenix, a woman, right at the moment this dialogue occurs. Percieving the pun at her expense, she subtly flips him the bird. Where did we see this last? In Maverick's locker! Goose was flipping him the bird in a picture. So again, we have these symbolic sexual gestures being cue'd from scene to scene, connecting seemingly unconnected moments of sexual euphemism. Also - look at the guy behind Phoenix. What is that shape he is making with his hand?

During a simulation of their mission, Maverick starts to explain how they will take their target out. Notice that the "target" in the simulation looks similar to the target on a DART BOARD. Remember the bar scene earlier? They were playing darts and hitting the bull's eye, while Bowie's "Let's Dance" played off in the distance. These connections from scene to scene are not accidental, and it is all highly psychological. The makers of these films know exactly what they are doing and people have no clue!

Maverick knows the mission is nearly impossible, as he advises: "But what the enemy doesn’t know is your limits. I intend to find them. Test them. Push beyond." This is, again, a continuation of the "Maverick is on the edge" concept. The edge SEXUALLY, that is. And he's gonna push THEIR sexual limits now. And that's what the film wants to do to you. Push YOUR sexual limits conceptually, in a covert manner.


"Hard deck my ass!" - Maverick

In this last section, Maverick himself lays out the plan of attack and literally explains, with graphics and hand gestures, what this film is actually about. Again, apologies if this gets a bit graphic, but I didn't write this stuff, I'm just pointing out what the film is covertly waving right in front of your face!

First, they have to fly BELOW the Hard Deck in order to avoid enemy radar. This is not allowed in training exercises, so Maverick has them change the rules ["right on the fucking edge," as always]. Now if the "hard deck" is a euphamism for "hard dick," then we are talking about the region below the hard dick, which would be....the asshole - if one is facing a hard dick, as if to give oral sex. Or to look at it another way - "hard deck my ass" means exactly what he says it does. The HARD DECK = HIS ASS! Meaning, the entire mission takes place in his ass!

The image above shows the "colon-like" path that the phallic planes must tightly navigate, until coming to the great RIM of the UR-ANIUM plant.

Actual dialogue from the film: [Instructor] hangman, he’s up. The canyon’s gettin tighter!..Your goin too fast man! [Hangman] Well, no harm in being ahead of schedule! [Maverick, later] What happened? [Hangman] Well I flew as fast as I could. Kinda like my ass depended on it.

Once they "penetrate" the interior, they must UNLOAD their missles into the target point all the way at the bottom, exposing a hole into the interior. Maverick calls this "miracle #1!" Then the 2nd team sends their missles directly into the hole, blowing it all up in a great orgasmic climax! He calls this "miracle #2."

As Maverick is explaining how they must expose the hole at the bottom of the giant rectum they need to penetrate, he actually simulates penetration with his finger! But it goes by so fast, you almost don't notice it.

Here we get a side angle of the small hole/canal the pilots must precisely shoot their load into, in order to enter the box below and blow it all up. Now if you remember the "box" euphemism earlier, this "hole" takes on basically every sexual aspect referenced in the film at once. Symbolically.

And just in case you missed the sexual orifice reference the last time around, Maverick demonstrates with two fingers precisely where the "penetration point" must occur.

"To survive this mission, you’ll pull beyond that [maximum g-force]. Even if it means bending your air frame…You’ll be pulling so hard you’ll weigh close to 2000lbs…fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out…"

This is all about "pulling out" after orgasm, and trying not to pass out.

The rest of the film is a bunch of happy BS intended to insult your intelligence, after subliminally RAPING your mind.

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