Dave Chappelle
Drink Champs
[the above headings are to help the search algorithms connect people to this page]
In part one I wrote about Dave Chappelle's recent monologue on Saturday Night Live, and how it was basically the deep state talking through him, and using him to manipulate his audience's views covertly. In part 2, I was planning on getting into a recent Alex Jones episode that touches on, and expands upon many of these same points - but since part one has gotten VERY FEW hits - this has caused me to wonder whether it is being censored by Google's algorithms. So rather than waste my time on a second half which may get heavily censored as well, I decided to paste part 1 here again, but with certain words/phrases abbreviated to see if I can trick the Google algorithms and allow for "normal" traffic. If this one gets way more hits, that obviously points to an algorithm designed to censor or "shadow ban" certain words/phrases.
The above image contains a KEY of words and phrases I believe Google is probably flagging heavily and trying to censor, or at least monitor. I have removed all of the words/phrases you see in the image above, and replaced them with the abbreviations you see representing them. This should be obvious while you read the blog, but hopefully it is not too irritating on the eyes. If so, simply read part 1 instead, as it is the exact same blog without abbreviations [find link to part 1 by clicking on January 2023 within the column on the right of this page]. I have also removed the source links from this page as a precaution, so again, refer to part 1 for those links as well...
Regarding a recent opening monologue Dave Chappelle did on Saturday Night Live, Dailymail.com published a story on November 14th that "Dave Chappelle kept NBC and the producers of Saturday Night Live guessing up until the last moment when he reportedly performed a new version of his monologue for the live broadcast...The 49-year-old comedian performed a 'fake' version of his monologue for the dress rehearsal earlier on Saturday evening, before doing a different monologue that didn't get anyone's approval for the show that appeared on television, sources told Page Six on Monday."
We really have no way of confirming whether this Dailymail.com article is pulling our leg or not, but a closer look at Chappelle's monologue reveales why it matters. If he said things "without approval" from his scriptwriters/financiers - he'd be culpable for it. But if he did indeed stick to the script, this points the finger at those putting the words in his mouth. And who are "THEY" anyway?
Chappelle starts out reading from a crumpled piece of paper pulled from his pocket, which seems intended to make it appear as though it was some last minute thing he decided to throw in spontaneously. He states in part that "I denounce anti-semetism in all it's forms." Why did he open his monologue this way, even jokingly? The implication seems to be that he is afraid of being branded an "anti-semite," and that he fears the consequences of such a branding.
The statement ends with: "and THAT, XXXXX [KW], is how you buy yourself some time..." Time from what? An imminent retaliation from those who believe he is an anti-semite?
"Early in my career I learned that there are 2 words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence. And those words are XXX and XXXX [TJs]. Never heard someone do good after they said that."
If we take the "comedy" out of Chappelle's statement, what's he really saying? Let me translate: "If you are in the entertainment industry, don't talk bad about XXX XXXX [TJs], or else..." This indicates to me pretty clearly that Chappelle is straight up enforcing the stereotype that a powerful group of XXXX [TJs] run the entertainment industry and that you better not talk bad about them if you wanna have a career in that field. Isn't that pretty much the same thing XXXXX [KW] has been saying, albeit less deceptively and with less humor attached? And yet, the politically correct SNL crowd is applauding and laughing along, as if there is nothing at all anti-semetic about Chappelle's routine! Why is it ok for Chappelle to say these things in a comedy routine, but it's "anti-semitic" for XX [KW] to say it in other contexts?
"DEFCON is a defense alert state (numbered 1–5) used by the United States Armed Forces." - wiki
"[I] Can’t even remember how it started. Vaguely I remember it started with a Tweet. Strange Tweet…I’m a little sleepy. I’mma get me some rest but when I wake up, I’m gonna go def-con 3 on XXX XXXX [TJs]!…I was a little worried, “what is he going to do to XXX XXXX [TJs]?”
What does Chappelle mean when he says he can't remember how "it" started? What is "it?" What are we talking about here exactly? Almost sounds like XX [KW] and Chappelle are acting out some fake morality battle for the public. If this was some kinda deep state sponsored propaganda campaign, we might call it "Operation: Death Con 3."
To start with, there is no such thing as "Death Con 3." But clearly, XX [KW] was intending to at least partially reference the military Defcon system.
So if XX [KW] is preparing his "Defense readiness condition" against XXX XXXX [TJs], doesn't that assume a DEFENSIVE, rather than OFFENSIVE position? Was he anticipating an ATTACK from "XXX XXXX [TJs]?" To further confuse the matter, he didn't say DEFCON 3, he said DEATH CON 3. We know what "DEATH" is. But a "CON" has to do with deception. If you sell someone a car that you claim runs perfectly, which you know needs a new transmission - that is a CON. Is XX [KW] indicating by way of word-play that there is some sort of deception going on?
XX [KW] addressed this "Death Con 3" Tweet recently on a Drink Champs podcast, where he comes off much more toned down, reasonable, and candid than he often does in other contexts. This shows how adept XX [KW] is at "switching gears" with his personality. Or maybe there's something deeper and more sinister going on in his head?
"what I meant to say was “no one’s afraid of XXX XXXXXX [TJs] media mob, which it is"
First of all, XX [KW] quotes his infamous Tweet as saying "Def Con 3," which it didn't - it said DEATH con 3. He tries to play it off like it was a spelling error and that he doesn't always articulate himself as well as he'd like online. Even tells a story about his father giving him advice on how to better articulate himself publicly. I don't buy it, but I highly suggest everyone go watch the entire podcast I am referencing here [link at the bottom] He says a whole lot of interesting things I don't have space to get into here...
XXXXX XXXX [KW] recently started going by "Y£," which is the 2nd half of his original first name. The part he removed is K-A-N. How is that pronounced when you say it? CON.
If you've ever watched the series "Outlander," the Scottish people portrayed in it say "Y£" when they mean "YOU." KAN...Y£ = CON...YOU? Removal of the 3 letters K-A-N = the death of Kan or DEATH CON 3?
The fact XXXXX [KW] cut his name in half tells you he gives his name and each of the letters LOTS of thought. Perhaps even more thought than most would assume...
"I believe 'Y£' is the most commonly used word in the Bible, and in the Bible it means 'you,' " West said during an interview with Big Boy in June 2018." - USA Today
XX's [KW's] infamous Tweet also stated that he "can't be anti-semetic because Black people are actually XXX [TJs]." To state that a XXX [TJ] cannot be anti-semetic makes no sense logically. And the idea that a Black person cannot be anti-semetic because they are all XXXX [TJs] makes even less sense!
Here's another interesting quote from XX's [KW's] Drink Champs appearance:
"Hey, you know, my people rise up, they [TJs] did something good, let’s copy what they're doin. Let’s rise up the way they rise up...we have to make our own empire. We have to get free just like XXX XXXX [TJs] did."
He also states at several points that he is jealous of XXX XXXX [TJs] and what they got, according to him. This all starts to get into a militant sort of Black Power/Black Panther [political party] mentality, which the mainstream has been aggressively promoting for a few years now. But you've gotta question the motives of the mainstream when they act like they wanna EMPOWER a specific group or race of people, while demonizing others who don't fit into that classification. That's not about equality, that's about control and "culling the herd."
"You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone whoever opposes your agenda"
[Image of a Freemasonic ballot box, taken from freemasonry.network]
"You guys" seems to be a continuation of XX's [KY's] suggestion that a group of powerful XXXX [TJs] are behind the entertainment industry, and are actually after XX [KW] himself.
The term "blackball" has a Freemasonic connotation. To "blackball" a candidate means to reject his membership. This is done by casting a black cube, which is an important symbol in ancient XXXXXX [TJs] mysticism as well. Is XX [KW] trying to say that he was "rejected" from membership of some elite Freemasonic organization? Sorta falls in line with the "I'm a famous guy rebelling against the elite" narrative. Again, I don't buy it, I think XX [KW] is a stone cold mind control slave for the elite, but I digress...
Back to David's SNL monologue:
"I grew up around XXXXXX [TJs] people. I have a lot of XXXXXX [TJs] friends, so I’m not freaked out by your culture…I know a little bit about it just from hangin around, be like “yo, let’s go out after school tomorrow!” They be like “we can’t go out it’s Sha Na Na tomorrow!” I be like, what? What is Sha Na Na?"
The joke seems to be that the phrase "Sha Na Na" sounds kinda like a XXXXXX [TJs] holiday like Rosh Hashana. But if you watch the video, DAVID Chappelle puts emphesis on the question "what is Sha Na Na?" Sha Na Na was a 50s Rock and Roll revival band who appeared at Woodstock, and later had a TV show which aired from 1977-1981. It's a reference only older people are probably going to get, so I assume it was aimed to grab their specific attention. This kinda sets up the next bit...
[Hasidic XXXX [TJs]]
[Run DMC]
[Weird Al Yankovic, from his video for the song "Amish Paradise," a spoof on Coolio's rap hit "Gangster's Paradise"]
"Why do some of your people dress like RUN DMC?"
The correlation Chappelle makes between RUN DMC's "look" and Hasidic XXXXXX [TJs] garb gets a good laugh from the crowd, but is there something much more deeply psychological going on here than it would at first seem?
"A year ago, I’d seen him on a podcast called “drink champs.” Great show…XXXXX [KW] said “only millionaires wear chains”…he said "I'm a billionare!"...He went on Drink Champs again…he said “I can say anti-semitic things…and Adidas can’t drop me!” Adidas dropped that nigga immediately. Ironically, Adidas was founded by Nazis."
[Slaves in a "Chain Gang"]
[RUN DMC, wearing their signature gold CHAINS...]
[RUN DMC, wearing their signature Adidas shoes, and jumpsuits. One of their most popular songs was "My Adidas."]
XXXX [TJs], anti-semitism, rappers, chains, adidas, Nazis, money, power, influence - what's the big picture Chappelle is painting here? I think there's something far more psychological happening with the language of his monologue than most people would suspect - and I think it is completely deliberate. The easiest way to break it all down and summarize, is to look at the symbolism here.
In the Thoth tarot deck, we see Adam and Eve [or Adam and Lilith?] after the fall, in the card called "The Devil." They appear to be chained up, so why do they look content? Happy even! The chains are loose, they can take them off anytime. But they PREFER the chains apparently. They PREFER to be satan's slaves? Perhaps they've been deceived into believing the chains are GOOD for them. That they are GOLD. Perhaps these rappers and rockstars and actors that we idolize and adore are all just slaves in a fancier package. Like high end prostitutes, trading in their souls to achieve fame and fortune. Is ANY reward worth trading in your soul for?
[Adolf Dassler, German founder of Adidas in the 1920s]
While the founding of Adidas in Germany seems to pre-date the Nazi party, Chappelle's comment that Adidas was "founded by Nazis" seems to ring somewhat true. In fact, the founder's name was Adolf!
"Both Dassler brothers joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in May 1933 and also became members of the National Socialist Motor Corps. Furthermore, Adolf took the rank of Sportwart in the Hitler Youth from 1935 until the end of the war. During the war, the company was running the last sport shoe factory in the country and predominantly supplied the Wehrmacht with shoes." - Wiki
Now obviously RUN DMC was either sponsored by, or were being paid by Adidas to represent them. This not only made Adidas alot of money, but cleared the company's reputation of being "racist" by having Black American rappers and their fans representing them. This may sound like uncomfortable stuff to contemplate, but if you owned a business as large as Adidas, you'd be thinking about this stuff too. Because at the end of the day, it's not about "empowering minorities," it's about MONEY, popularity, and perhaps a bit of social engineering. So yeah, I am not surprised they dropped XX [KW] for his "anti-semitic" comments. It probably had more to do with concerns about how they might be percieved by the PC public, than with XX's [KW's] "anti-semitism." Even if they did lose money by dropping him, it's the safe bet in the long run because getting branded an "anti-semitic sympathizer" could sink Adidas in a heartbeat. Cutting XX [KW] off was probably a "better safe than sorry" sort of gamble.
Back to Chappelle's monologue...
"He had broken the show business rules. You know, the rules of perception if they’re black then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian it’s the mob but if they’re XXXXXX [TJs] it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it."
Again, it's kind of odd how obvious Chappelle is here in terms of acknowledging a powerful XXXXXX [TJs] presence at the center of the entertainment business. The very same type of observation that got XX [KW] branded "anti-semite." Maybe "XXX XXXX" ["TJs"] are writing Chappelle's script here because they WANT people to fear them? Maybe this is why Dailymail.com wants us to believe Chappelle went off script? Because if this is "all Chappelle talking," nobody can be accused of putting words in his mouth...
"I’ve been to Hollywood…It’s ALOT of XXXX [TJs]. Like ALOT. But that don’t mean anything. There’s a lot of black people in Ferguson, Missouri doesn’t mean they run the place…you could maybe adopt the dillusion that XXX XXXX [TJs] run show business, it’s not a crazy thing to think. But it’s a crazy thing to say out loud in a climate like this."
Allow me to translate David's "joke" here: Powerful XXXX [TJs] run Hollywood, but don't talk about it, if you know what's good for you. Especially you Black people!
[Herschel Walker, speaking at one of Trump's "Save America" rallies]
"Now that mid-terms are over and it’s crazy climate…the most ominous sign of mid-terms I believe would be Herschel Walker who I, I don’t wanna speak badly of because he’s black but I have to admit…he’s observably stupid. Even when he’s not talking his mouth be open a little bit…"
Chappelle says he doesn't wanna speak badly of Herschel Walker because he's black, which is a strange statement as it insinuates that he thinks Blacks should get special treatment over other races - which doesn't contribute to the idea of EQUALITY, it encourages ignorance and INEQUALITY among races. Yet, the PC SNL audience is just applauding and laughing away, as Chappelle disingenuously postures himself as "morally superior" to XXXXX XXXX [KW].
"Watching the news now they’re saying it’s the end of the Trump era…He’s what I call an honest liar…I’ve never seen a white male billionaire screaming at the top of his lungs, the whole system is rigged!…he said “I know the system is rigged because I use it” Then he pulled out an Illuminati membership card and chop a line of cocaine with it and did a line right there at the podium."
Chappelle's cheap and seemingly pointless bashing of Herschel Walker, a friend of Donald Trump, was obviously a segue into bashing the latter. Walker was merely a convenient "stepping stone" to get there, and bash one of the few prominent Patriotic Republican Blacks out there while he's at it... Allow me to translate again what Chappelle is saying here: "Trump is part of the deep state but at least he's honest about it and tells it like it is." Some people seemed to think this was a sort of rare compliment coming from someone on the mainstream left. But how is insinuating that Trump is just another member of the White House Illuminati cult a compliment? Methinks David is projecting here...
When it comes to making fun of the Government, Joe Biden is a REAL EASY TARGET. You'd think comedians would be clowning him left and right. Why aren't they? From his stumbling and bumbling words and feet to his deplorable performance as a President, sniffing and kissing and groping children and young women like a dirty old man - the guy is a walking mockery of our country! Yet Chappelle only has Trump jokes when it comes to politics.
"As soon as he [Trump] won they started sayin all that “he’s colluding with Russia he’s colluding with Russia!” It was very embarrassing as a democrat, but as time went on…we all came to learn…he was probably colluding with Russia."
When Chappelle states that Trump was "probably" colluding with Russia, he got lots of laughs and applause from the crowd. That's funny, because to this day there is no proof of that. Chappelle is going off of "accusations" and endless streams of misleading headlines which never yield actual evidence of "Trump/Russia collussion!" In fact Elon Musk recently published information on Twitter revealing that the FBI secretly contacted them ahead of the XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX [HBL] story, warning that it was "Russian disinformation" and was to be sensored ahead of the 2020 election. It has since been revealed that the XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX [HBL] is 100% authentic. So this is a clear case of the "Russia Collusion" narrative being used to cover up the truth. Specifically, regarding the President's bagman/crackhead son!
"Why he got all them documents at his house?…you know what I never stole from work? Work."
First of all, it's never been established that Trump "stole" any documents, so Chappelle is starting right in with a lie. Trump was president and is a prolific business man, having LOTS and LOTS of documents doesn't mean he stole em. And besides, the Presidential Records Act [PRA] gives presidents special privelages with regard to classified documents. So even IF Trump had classified documents at his house, that does not AUTOMATICALLY mean he stole them or that he had no right to be in possession of them! If he had documents MARKED "classified," that doesn't mean they have not been DECLASSIFIED since they were labeled.
Bill Clinton had tons of classified information in his sock drawer years after leaving office. A judge BLOCKED Judicial Watch from forcing him to release the classified materials because she ruled Clinton had the right to classify, declassify, withold, or release the material at his own discretion. But in Trump's case, they simply RAIDED his home and took what they wanted - then accused HIM of breaking the law! Now if they can do that to a former president, imagine what they can do to YOU if they decide YOU are on their "shit list?" Oh, you'll start researching the laws like Sherlock Holmes then!
"President Joe Biden is being reminded of how he criticized Donald Trump as being "irresponsible" for having top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago after the White House revealed classified materials from Biden's time as vice president were discovered at a think tank office." - Newsweek
Interestingly, a story broke just after I first published this blog that Joe Biden basically did exactly what Chappelle is criticizing Trump for doing - but as Vice President! Vice presidents DO NOT have the same authority to keep, classify, or declassify documents. Did the FBI hassle him? Nope. In fact, they are debating whether to even investigate him at all! All the media is doing right now is making excuses for Biden and isn't it interesting that this was "discovered" before the midterms in November but only revealed now? Kinda like how the XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX [HBL] was called "Russian disinformation" before the 2020 election, and was revealed to be authentic AFTER Biden was elected. Hmmm? Chappelle's routines are CLEARLY being informed by the deep state, who are using people like him to manipulate the public perception and keep them in the dark.
This is why sources like Dailymail.com need to make it seem like Chappele went all "rogue" in this routine...Look at how he segues from "Russia collussion" right into "the documents at Mar-A-Lago." Here's the truth about the docs and the "Russia Collusion" that the mainstream media is trying to hide from you and that Chappelle is obviously employed to distract his fans from:
"The whole point of this raid [on Mar-A-Lago by the FBI] was because president Trump declassified the "Crossfire Hurricane" Russian collusion documents through a presidential memo on January 19th 2021 [link at bottom]. The Biden justice department dragged their feet and never PUBLICLY released these documents. Trump had them, [and] they were worried that Trump was going to release them...they know that these documents are very damaging for Obama, Biden, Hillary, the FBI, the intel community...because they SHOW that they "cooked up" the Russia collusion scandal, the Russia collusion HOAX to politically hurt Trump in 2016 and it continued to hurt him when he was the president. And so they had to go get back these documents. That was the purpose of this raid, they went to a biased Judge Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, they got an illegal general warrant, and they went and got 11,000 documents." - Mike Davis, Article III project
Chappelle continues on politics:
"War in Ukraine brought it all into focus. Lucky for everybody in the western world the Ukrainians are way better fighters than we thought they’d be. God bless em they’re doin good. They killed 10,000 Russians the first week of the war…How is Russia losing to Ukraine?"
And here we are right back on the Biden propaganda train...Have you seen gas prices lately? Rent prices/real estate? Have you seen the disgusting homeless tent communities in our major cities around the country? Have you looked at the murder statistics in Chicago lately? What about nationally? The unprecidented rise in Fentanyl overdoses? Crime in major cities? Healthy young atheletes "dropping dead" for no reason? The absolute chaos, human trafficking, and rampant cartel activity at our southern border? Yet, the Biden administration sends what, $100 Billion to Ukraine so they can defend THEIR BORDERS against one of the great world Nuclear powers? A fight they cannot win, and that pits US against Russia, flirting with a Russia vs USA nuclear conflict [WWIII] in the process! But hey, let's talk about those documents at Mar-A-Lago...
"Now that the mid-terms are over…the whites they’re like, new born babies, just woke up. Everything white people mad about, we been on that. “Man, I can’t feed my family!” Black people like, “man we been on that!” “Man, we can’t trust the government!” “We BEEN on that!” “Man, we should dismantle the FBI!” “Word to MLK we been on that!”
Chappelle started this routine by talking about how you don't mention XXX XXXX ]TJs] without bad things happening. But stereotyping WHITES left and right? That's just fine and hilarious and joke-worthy because FUCK THE WHITES! I mean, is he trying to say that whites have never been poor before? And as for "trusting the government" - Chappelle doesn't seem to have a problem with Joe Biden's government, so where's he "been on that?" MLK? Yeah, obviously a hit job from the inside, but what about JFK? And RFK??? Does he think whites ain't "been on that?" 911: no whites "been on that?"
The FBI raided Trump's home under questionable circumstances and so far have not shown us hard proof of the crime to this day. And Chappelle is basically trying to convince his audience that that's ok because, "we been on that?" Funny, I thought Trump was a "card carrying" member of the Illuminati? Doesn't sound like it by the way the DOJ is treating him and his family. Sounds more like a WITCH HUNT.
And to the "Trump haters" out there...look, if Chappelle lies about the guy, it's not "pro Trump" to call it out. It's PRO TRUTH. Obviously the truth might make Trump look bad in other scenarios, so it works both ways. The truth doesn't care if it makes people look "good" or "bad." But if we're just going to apply it when it suits us, and reject it for the sake of a cheap laugh on SNL - we are living in a self made world of lies ourselves...
As if Operation: Death Con 3 couldn't get any wackier, XX [KW] decides to spend like 3 hours on the Alex Jones show, just days after walking off of the set of Timcast after just 10 minutes or so. He comes out wearing a Balenciaga gimp mask, saying things like "I love the Nazis, and I love XXX XXXX [TJs]." This was really what triggered me to do this particular blog, and I was gonna do part II covering that. But since part I got so few hits, I'm going to wait and see if this was due to lack of interest from my readers or the censors.
This blog was researched, written, and continues to be maintained by 1 person. If you enjoyed it and would like to encourage more of them, donations can be made by clicking the button below.
For sources, go to Part I and scroll to the bottom of the page.