Thursday, June 23, 2022

Mr Letter on MK ULTRA

In my blog "The Letter that Shall not be Named," I explain that there is a message board containing posts by an unknown individual going by the name represented by the above letter. Due to the fact that Google has algorithms in place to censor/block information online containing references to this individual/entity, I will refer to this individual/entity as "Mr Letter" here. Refer to my previous blog mentioned above for further clarification on this...

Above is a screenshot taken from Truth Social, a new social media platform similar to Twitter [where some believe Mr Letter is now posting]. Although TS is new, I've been following the author of the post in the above screenshot for a couple years now, first on Twitter - where I believe he was banned some time ago. I am explaining all of this to give credit where it is due, regarding who inspired me to explore Mr Letter's posts on the whole MK Ultra topic.

I have mentioned MK Ultra many times in my blogs, but have never dedicated one to that specific topic. After exploring Mr Letter's links, I felt somewhat compelled to show what I found and figured some of my readers would find this useful for research purposes.

One of the scariest things about all of this is that despite the hundreds of thousands of documents available, most of the "records of all these activities were destroyed in January 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms." That means the crimes referenced in the known documents may only represent the tip of the iceberg, and can only hint at the monstrously advanced scale these types of clandestine operations are likely functioning at today.

There are many places online to view Mr Letter's posts, I just happen to use the mirror site shown above. You can also refer to the previous image, which lists the address to another good mirror site. All legitimate mirror sites should contain the exact same posts with the exact same corresponding post numbers - with very few exceptions. Using the search box, typing the term "mkultra" should easily turn up the same 4 results you see in the above image.

NOTE: Some of the links on Mr Letter's posts may not load properly by clicking them. Try copying and pasting instead, typing it out yourself, or check that there is no space between the "https://" and the rest of the address. Links may also lead to pages which have since been deleted. In that case, try doing a search query using all or part of the address itself. Or search using keywords from the original link, within the domain listed in the original address.

Starting in chronological order, Mr Letter's post #772 from 2.15.18, at 15:02:33 time stamp gives us a link to an official government site featuring the transcript of a 1977 senate hearing, which reads at the top: "PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION."

[Images/info taken from]

I'm not going to spend much time getting into the gory details of what is in the transcript, because you can read it yourself. It's only 171 pages, half of which is appendixes/notes. Just reading half of this will make you more of an expert on Mk Ultra than most people - and it is actually pretty entertaining if you view it as some sort of "true crime" drama...I do want to highlight a few alarming details I think need emphesis though, which can potentially provide vital insight into what is happening TODAY.

Senator Daniel K Inouye: "It should be made clear from the outset that in general, we are focusing on events that happened over 12 or as long as 25 years ago. It should be emphasized that the programs that are of greatest concern have stopped..."

Senator Edward M. Kennedy: "These are issues, are questions that happened in the fifties and sixties, and go back some 15, 20 years ago..."

Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence: "Let me emphasize that the MKULTRA events are 12 to 25 years in the past. I assure you that the CIA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of drugs today..."

Above are just a few examples illustrating the level of DAMAGE CONTROL going on here. Emphesis is being made regarding the TIME that has passed - which really wasn't that signifficant in 1975-77, and is clearly being used as a tool to DISTANCE the then current CIA from their absolutely horrible and inexcusable covert actions against the American people and others in the recent past.

These methods of obfuscation still go on today. The powers that be, the mainstream media, politicans, etc will lie to the public [or deny knowledge of certain things] in order to cover up crimes, get someone elected, pass a certain measure, or win a political argument. Then later down the line, they will make excuses for why they were wrong, blame people who are already dead, throw people under the bus [or just flat out kill em], understate the crimes, or just wait until enough time has passed that people don't care as much. It's quite maddening when you observe this happening in real time - and it happens often unfortunately. [The Hunter Biden Lap†0p, for example - which the New York Times finally verified as authentic, after vehemently denying it's authenticity in the months before and after the 2020 presidential election].

Given that absolutely no effort concerning accountability is being made in this hearing, statements such as "the CIA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of drugs today" come off as shallow and insulting to the intelligence of anyone with a brain who is paying attention. We're just supposed to take their word for it now, after these shocking secret activities of theirs have been exposed? If nobody is being held to account, what is the motivation for them to stop?

[Richard M Helms. Served as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from 1966 to 1973. He ordered the destruction of all MK Ultra documents in 1973. In 1977 he received a two-year suspended sentence and a $2,000 fine. This seems to be all of the punishment he recieved]

[Dr Sidney Gottlieb, 1977. "Gottlieb administered LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs to unwitting subjects and financed psychiatric research and development of "techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything".He was named as the person who gave Army bacteriologist Frank Olson LSD at an MK-ULTRA retreat, leading to Olson's mental spiral and death a week later...On October 7, 1975, Gottlieb testified before the Church Committee under the alias "Joseph Schneider." He did not reveal much in his testimony, besides saying he had destroyed nearly all records of what he did during his time at the agency. Gottlieb was never convicted of any crimes." ]

Senator KENNEDY: "And no one- no single individual--could be found who remembered the details, not the Director of the CIA, who ordered the documents destroyed, not the official responsible for the program, nor any of his associates."

"...These institutes, these individuals, have a right to know who they are and how and when they were used. As of today, the Agency itself refuses to declassify the names of those institutions and individuals, quite appropriately, I might say, with regard to the individuals under the Privacy Act..."

"Many researchers, distinguished researchers, some of our most outstanding members of our scientific community, involved in this network, now really do not know whether they were involved or not."

Admiral Turner: "We should certainly assume that the researchers and institutions which cooperated with CIA on a witting basis acted in good faith and in the belief that they were aiding their government in a legitimate and proper purpose..."

"I believe that we all have a moral obligation to these researchers and institutions to protect them from any unjustified embarrassment or damage to their reputations which revelation of their identities might bring..."

Again, these hearings were not about accountability, they were about protecting the name/reputation of all perpetrators and institutions involved in this horrible "research" upon whom were probably thousands of unwitting civilians. I am sure there were plenty of "unwitting participants" here, but they are conflating the civilian victims with the institutions where these horrific activities were carried out and the persons who carried out the deeds! As if the perpetrators of the crimes were victims JUST AS MUCH AS THE CIVILIANS WHO WERE DRUGGED AND TORTURED without their consent! This is all being done to PROTECT the perpetrators and the reputations of the colleges/institutions where these crimes were carried out. And they more or less state it here, without shame! And we are just supposed to nod along in "solidarity" to all of this BS...

Let's not take for granted that the only reason these hearings occured at all was to placate the American public's overwealming distrust of the CIA over these horrific MK Ultra projects - which were too extensive to keep a secret any longer. Specifically, the death of Frank Olson put a spotlight on the ugly secret activities going on, forcing the CIA to comment publicly - resulting in little-to no accountability! Make no mistake, if they could have hid this all from the public forever, they would have.

[The arrow points to a car which popped out of nowhere, just as then-President Trump's motorcade (inside the yellow circle) was passing.]

Post 772 also contains a link to a youtube video, in which a car appears to pop out of nowhere in an apparent attempt to collide into then president Trump's motorcade. The vehicle fails miserably as it plops out and gets stuck near a "pond" on the shoulder, where they are quickly met with security officers in the convoy.

An article published by on Aug 31st, 2017 reads in part:

"Samantha Morris, 17, and Nikia Hicks, 18 were in that car on their way to work when their brakes suddenly went out. "I was pumping my brakes hard, they were smoking and i couldn't stop at all" said Morris. That's when she swerved to avoid hitting a gaurd at the entrance of her work and ended up feet from a pond. "i just thought we'd hit a fence," said Morris. "I thought there was a fence. We were crazy close to that pond. we could have drowned.""

Before and after the link to this video, Mr Letter seems to be making references to technology unknown to the public, that can either control an individual, a vehicle they are driving, or both - by way of frequencies and/or cell phones - possibly even from outside of the country! Mr letter also hints that the statements made by the driver to the press is a "fairytale."

Whenever I speak about Mk Ultra, I try to stress to my readers how important it is for them to consider the real possibility that these types of activities never stopped, and that we can only imagine the level of technology being implemented in secret against civilians today. I believe Mr Letter is more or less telling us that this incident is an example of what these types of programs are now capable of, and how the media just explains it away with the express intent of KEEPING YOU IN THE DARK about the truth of it. We only win here by probing further and refusing to accept their narratives at face value!

Mr Letter's post #773 provides a link to a Wikipedia entry on Dr Ewen Cameron, who conducted some of the most well documented experiments on unwitting victims, as part of the Mk Ultra project. CIA activity in Canada seemed to occur with the cooperation of Canadian government, who still cooperate "heavily" to this day.

[Donald Ewen Cameron (1901-1967) conducted horrific experiments upon unwitting patients, under the umbrella of Project MK Ultra.]

"He [Cameron] "was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions. His treatments resulted in victims' incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents."...When lawsuits commenced in 1986, the Canadian government denied having any knowledge that Cameron was being sponsored by the CIA."

"In 1945, Cameron, Nolan D. C. Lewis and Dr Paul L. Schroeder, colonel and psychiatrist, University College of Illinois, were invited to the Nuremberg trials for a psychiatric evaluation of Rudolf Hess. Their diagnosis was amnesia and hysteria per a short commentary in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Hess later confessed that he had faked the amnesia."

It is interesting to note Cameron's brief role in the Nuremburg trials, before his participation in Project Mk Ultra - where he would be carrying out similar activities to that of the twisted Nazi experiments.

Mr letter mentions a "Lincoln Park." According to wiki, "CFB Lincoln Park PMQ is a residential neighbourhood in the southwest quadrant of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is located on former Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Calgary..." I'm not sure the relavance of that particular location, but in this context I assume Mr Letter is hinting that some type of Mk Ultra activity occured there.

It is interesting to consider the American band LINKIN PARK within this context - who's singer Chester Bennington died on his friend Chris Cornell's birthday, the very same year Cornell died, and allegedly the same way [suicide by hanging]. I have spoken about possible connections between Mk Ultra and suspicious deaths within the music scene. This is a very dark area in need of more exposure.

Mr Letter post 773 also contains 5 links at the bottom. The first link will not load properly, but I believe it was intended to route us to the video located on the same domain, at This is a disturbing documentary where we finally get to hear from one of the victims of these terrible experiments. It is not that graphic, but is well done and informative. One walks away with just a small taste of the haunting anguish survivors carried with them for the rest of their lives.

["Bob Logi," unwitting victim of Dr Ewan Cameron's mind control experiments. Although he was only 18 at the time, he clearly suffered from perminent damage for the rest of his life. What about the people we know nothing of, who's stories were never made public?]

The 2nd link directs to a 2017 article speaking about how "A recent Department of Justice gag order in an out-of-court settlement was designed to avoid responsibility and avert compensation to more victims and their families." The article contains several links to the Fifth Estate productions mentioned earlier. The article is very informative, and should be highly disturbing to anyone who cares about basic human rights.

The 3rd link is to a New York times article from 1992 which states, "the Canadian Government says the 80 or so patients who underwent the so-called "psychic driving" treatment in Montreal, intended to wipe the brain clear of all trauma, can receive almost $80,000 each...The patients at the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill were put into a drugged sleep for weeks or months, subjected to electroshock therapy until they were "de-patterned," knowing neither who or where they were, and forced to listen repeatedly to recorded messages broadcast from speakers on the wall or under their pillows."

Link 4 directs to the above article, which states in part:

"In the 1980s, the CIA and State Department launched a public counterattack on the Canadian government for questioning the propriety of CIA activities...In press briefings, interviews and Court pleadings, the CIA hammered away at one theme - Canada funded Cameron too...This steady counterattack left the Canadian government completely cowed, apparently a fairly easy thing for the U.S. to accomplish."

The 5th link goes to a 2012 article, detailing a bit more of the history behind MkUltra Subproject 68.

The post ends, in part, with the ominous question: "Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?" This indicates to me that individuals can, and have been "programmed" via these types of secret mind control programs - to go out and shoot people. Mr Letter is encouraging us to do some research on these shooters to find out where they may have recieved "treatment." If we truly want to prevent these types of horrific events from happening again, we need to explore this line of inquiry - because the mainstream media never will. That is, unless they can twist facts to fit whatever narrative they are pushing at a given point in time. And the narrative usually necessitates steps to further erode our 2nd amendment rights.

Post 777 starts out by telling us that Mk Ultra simply started going by different names, and is indeed still active. Mr letter points us towards "Big Pharma," and challenges us to find out why this is an essential aspect of these programs. Google and Apple phones are referenced, encouraging us to further research their capabilities. When taken in reference to the previous post which spoke about the ability to basically control your car from another country, I think Mr Letter is trying to guide us in a direction which will reveal the nefarious technology being used in this context.

When Mr Letter says "THEY are watching," he probably means the very individuals behind this technology. "ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE" is straightforward enough. Particularly regarding the Blackberry stuff. But this makes me think of icloud, or Google Drive. Storage space offered to users in order to "save space" on your phone/computer. This is all very important, BIG PICTURE stuff to think about...

The final post we will look at is #2663, posted 1/7/2019.

At the top is a link to a very interesting article published on in December of 2018. It reads in part:

"The new documents, released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal how the CIA experimented on both humans and animals using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices as part of the top secret - and illegal - mind control project MKUltra."

"Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts."

"One document details how the CIA planned to drug “criminals awaiting trial held in a prison hospital ward” in a bid to develop “improved techniques in drug interrogation”. "

Remember, these are very OLD documents being referenced above. Imagine what THEY are capable of today!

"The records were obtained by researcher John Greenewald Jr, who published them last week on his website The Black Vault."

If you really want to dig deep on this topic, you NEED to explore the "black vault" website referenced above. Although many documents there have been heavily redacted - persistent researchers can greatly educate themselves and others by taking the time to review them and by sharing their findings.

The 2nd link in the post goes to a very important article published by in 2012 entitled: "Converting Brain Signals into Action."

"Currently, the research team is working in parallel on two devices with unique features. One of these, the micro-electrocorticography (ECoG) electrode grid, is placed beneath the skull and on the surface of the brain's movement-controlling motor cortex. A computer system interprets the electrical impulses in the brain captured by the micro-ECoG technology and then converts the signals into movement controls in virtual environments."

This technology is being presented as a solution to physical disabilities/injuries. But just think of the implications in terms of warfare! What Mr Letter is urgently suggesting we look into, are the institutions and individuals funding this research - and the implications within the context of continued MkUltra-type programs. You see, if they can get funding for such technology under the benevolent guise of "restoring movement to the injured/handicapped," they don't even need to hide what they are doing! Then once the technology is available, it can simply be used covertly to control people and get them to do things. Commit crimes, perhaps even involuntarily!

This gets into the rise of transhumanism, and the mainstream media's obsession with promoting the "ideal body/identity." An ideal which relies on technology to augment our bodies and get us to prefer an unnatural appearance to our natural one. It can be something as small as a lip injection, or something as extreme as a sex change operation. These things are being aggressively marketed to younger and younger generations, not to "help them more easily grow and express themselves," but to establish an early reliance upon an unnatural technology, which allows OTHERS to more easily control them.

You might also be interested in my blogThe Letter that Shall Not be Named.

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